Belgium Jobboard

A Jobboard website build in Ruby on Rails which allows people to post open job positions and depending on which formula they choose can get minor or major exposure on display.

The Belgium Jobboard initialy started out as one of my hobby projects to practice my Ruby on Rails skills but after developing the MVP thoughts slowly came in to mind to actually try and make it work and launching it as a proper platform. In the meanwhile I just keep the old beta-version online for showcasing purposes only.

I started working on this project after going through Hartl's Rails program and aquiring the basic steps, knowledge and building blocks necassary to program and complete a fully functional web application from front till back end. I started out with programming the basic front-end design of the home/index page and then imported all the UI files into my rails development workspace. After that i graduatly started working on all the functionalities and finally finished with creating my own custom CMS that allow admin users control over the posted Job positions.

Tools & Technologies

  • HTML / CSS
  • SASS
  • jQuery
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git
  • MVC
  • Custom CMS
  • Devise